Quick Response Grant 2024-25

This is a preview of the Quick Response Grant 2024/25 application form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Introduction and instructions

* indicates a required field.


Welcome to the application form for the City of Sydney's Quick Response Grant. 

This grant program supports small scale, community-led projects that encourage communities to take action to improve, enhance, represent or celebrate their local neighbourhoods.

Please note -  Applications should be submitted at least 8 weeks before you plan to start your activity/event.

Cash funding up to $5,000 for individuals. Cash funding up to $10,000 for organisations. Value-in-kind in the form of venue hire is also available.

When applying for this program you need to answer these questions:

  • Why are you doing this project? 
  • How will you deliver it? 
  • Who will benefit? 

We do not accept duplicate applications. Applications that are submitted to more than one program at the same time will only be considered in one program.

Please read the Quick Response grant webpage and Grants and sponsorship program guidelines for further information.

Note that the supporting documents, budget requirements and venue requests are listed towards the end of the application form so please familiarise yourself before beginning.

Hiring City spaces

In addition to cash, you can apply for a fee waiver if you need a City indoor space for your event. You should request a quote from the following list and upload it to this application: 

When requesting a quote please notify staff that you are applying for a grant with the City. 

If you need more help using this form, please read the Help Guide for Applicants and Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).

If you have other questions, contact the grants team on communitygrants@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au.

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