Welcome to the design concierge request form for the City of Sydney's Dixon Street Improvement Grant.
There are 4 steps to apply to the Dixon Street improvement grant:
Step 1. Design concierge (current stage)
- Meet with the concierge team to discuss your site and what type of improvements could be eligible for grant funding
- Develop your proposal with advice from the concierge team
- You may need to engage a design team
- The team will carry out eligibility, scope of work and design checks.
Step 2. Grant application (future stage)
- Submit your grant application and provide quotes for the proposed work
- For more significant works, the grant payment may be on the condition of an approved development application.
Step 3. Planning approvals or certification - (future stage if required) at the same time as step 2 grant application
- Your proposal may require a development application consent or complying development certificate.
- The design and planning concierge team can provide advice.
- You will need to make the necessary applications and pay any applicable fees.
Step 4: Grant assessment (future stage)
- Once you submit your grant application and upload any required approvals or certificates, your grant application will be assessed.
- Recommendations then are made to Council, who decide on the final outcome.
- You will be notified when application will be going to Council, and later be notified of the outcome.
For any questions, please contact the design concierge team on DixonStreet@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au