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EOI 49 Cope Street Redfern - Development and Operation of Aged Care Facility

Submissions closed at 11:00AM 28 February 2025 (AEDT).

Welcome to the City of Sydney’s online Expression of Interest for 49 Cope Street, Redfern Development and Operation of Aged Care Facility powered by SmartyGrants.

The Opportunity

The Council of the City of Sydney ("the City" or “Council”) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the redevelopment of a City owned property at 49 Cope Street, Redfern into a not-for-profit minimum 50 place residential aged care facility with a 55 space commercial public carpark below ground.

In return for the City transferring the land, the successful proponent must develop and transfer in stratum back to the City's ownership a 55-space commercial public below ground carpark.

The property is approximately 1,925 square metres with frontage to Cope and Renwick Streets and is within close proximity to both Redfern Station and the Metro Waterloo Station. 

The retention of public carparking within close proximity to the retail centre of Redfern supports local retailers and commercial businesses and the local and wider area community.


This EOI is Stage 1 of a likely two-stage divestment process.

The outcome of this EOI will be reported back to Council in early 2025.

In the second stage of the divestment process, Council may resolve to progress to a select tender or negotiate with one or more parties on one of more of the properties.


Click here to go to the regularly updated Q&A

Expression of Interest Objectives

The Expression of Interest (EOI) will aim to achieve the following outcomes:

a. A new not for profit residential aged care facility to provide services to the local community with:

  • a minimum 50 affordable / at cost residential aged care places serving the local community; with
  • Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents and staff to be a key part of operations.

b. Access to a below ground commercial public car park to be retained on site with:

  • a minimum 55 parking spaces integrated within the future development; and
  • the transfer of a stratum lot back to the City (at $1) to own and operate as a commercial public car park

c. Design, construction, and operation of facilities to be delivered by or in partnership with local Aboriginal controlled community organisations or Aboriginal providers.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to participate in the EOI an applicant must:

  1. Be or partner with local Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation/s or Aboriginal provider/s, and
  2. Be a registered not-for-profit organisation, and
  3. Be a registered provider of residential aged care.

For-profit organisations, unincorporated community groups or individuals will not be eligible.

It is envisaged that applicant may l partner with other entities in responding to this Expression of Interest.

Expression of Interest Evaluation Criteria

The proposed assessment criteria for the expression of interest will include Mandatory and Qualitative elements.:

Mandatory criteria to include but not limited to:

a. Proponent must meet all eligibility criteria;

b. Required infrastructure is delivered (minimum 50 place residential aged care + 55 space below ground car park) and the stratum lot is transferred to the City for $1;

c. Acceptance of a covenant registered on title that requires the land to be used for affordable residential aged care in perpetuity. A public positive covenant will be registered on title (on terms required by the City) to ensure the continued use of the property for this purpose.

d. Financial capacity to undertake and sustain the project.

Qualitative criteria to include:

a. Experience in the planning, design, and construction of high quality not-for-profit residential aged care facilities

b. Ability to engage and work with the local community in a meaningful way Experience in the management and operation of high quality not-for-profit residential aged care facilities.

c. Experience in the planning, design, and construction of high quality not-for-profit residential aged care facilities

d. Employment outcomes for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the planning, design and construction of the facilities.

e. Employment outcomes for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the operations and management of the facility and services.

f. Financial capacity to deliver the facilities – where funding is required to be sourced applicants must demonstrate experience in securing funding

g. Compliance with all Licensing/Regulatory Requirements including Insurances.


Have questions about the EOI, contact Commercial Manager, Development & Strategy, at devandstrategy@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au or the First Nations Leadership on 9265 9333